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MyMenu IQ™
Balance your meal
My Menu IQ™ guides you to select a nutritionally balanced menu on a scale from 0 to 100, with focus on the main meal.
What does it mean?
Good Balance
What does it mean?
Now enjoy your meal!
Your Selection (1)
Drob de miel
160 min
Adaugă recipe
46 13.3g / 46%
14 9.3g / 14%
40 26.4g / 40%

The energy content breakdown shows the amount of the macronutrients (i.e. carbohydrate, protein and fat) contained in one serving of the recipe and their relative contribution (in %) to the total energy content of the serving.

What is a balanced menu?

A balanced menu provides a variety of food groups and key nutrients.

MyMenu IQ™ generates a nutritional score, considering the energy content and the nutrients in the menu, and their contribution towards achieving nutritional recommendations as based on a 2,000 kcal daily diet for an average adult.
MyMenu IQ™ guides you to select a balanced menu on a scale from 0 to 100, with focus on the main meal.

What does the MyMenu IQ™ score mean ?

Room for Balance Improvement (0 - 44)

MyMenu IQ™ guides you to select a nutritionally balanced menu on a scale from 0 to 100, with focus on the main meal.

Great Balance (70 - 100)

MyMenu IQ™ guides you to select a nutritionally balanced menu on a scale from 0 to 100, with focus on the main meal.

Good Balance (45 - 69)

MyMenu IQ™ guides you to select a nutritionally balanced menu on a scale from 0 to 100, with focus on the main meal.

The MyMenu IQ™ score applies to the digital recipe as described on the site. Nutrition composition data for food ingredients and food products is based on Standard Food Composition Databases such as USDA SR28, BLS32 as well as food label data.

Nutritional Tips

Tip 1

Tip 2

Well done! You have reached 100!!
Go back to the menu to check out your selection.

Drob de miel

160 Min
Delecteaza-te cu o reteta traditionala de drob de miel.


10 Portii

Acest fel de mâncare a fost optimizat 10 portii. Cantitatea și orele trebuie să fie variate. Aici puteți găsi mai multe informații despre dimensiunile porțiunii ajustate:

recipe ingredient
1  lingurita
Piper negru
4  legaturi
Ceapa verde
4  legaturi
4  legaturi
Patrunjel proaspat
100  g
20  g
Sos de mustar
1  kg
Carne de miel
0.33  lingurita
Ienibahar macinat
30  g
Faina de grau
2  frunze
10  ml
Ulei de floarea soarelui


Cele mai bune sfaturi și trucuri pentru dimensiuni de porțiune personalizate.

Exporta ingredientele

Alege din lista de ingrediente


Valoare nutritionala

9.37 g
260.98 kcal
13.35 g
26.46 g
Informatie per portie


160 Minutes
  • Etapa 1

    60 Min
    Maruntaiele de miel se spala si se pun la foc cu foile de dafin si boabele de ienibahar.
  • Etapa 2

    10 Min
    Dupa ce au fiert, se dau prin masina de tocat.
  • Etapa 3

    15 Min
    Tot prin masina dam si ceapa verde, mararul, patrunjel. La final se da painea.
  • Etapa 4

    5 Min
    Se amesteca tot ceea ce s-a tocat cu 4 oua, piper macinat si MAGGI Secretul Gustului Legume.
  • Etapa 5

    10 Min
    Se unge tava cu grasime sau ulei, se aseaza compozitia, se niveleaza si se acopera cu un ou batut cu 2 linguri de faina (in cazul in care nu avem prapur).
  • Etapa 6

    60 Min
    Se coace la cuptor cca.1 ora.
Drob de miel

Etapa 1 de 6

Maruntaiele de miel se spala si se pun la foc cu foile de dafin si boabele de ienibahar.

Drob de miel

Etapa 2 de 6

Dupa ce au fiert, se dau prin masina de tocat.

Drob de miel

Etapa 3 de 6

Tot prin masina dam si ceapa verde, mararul, patrunjel. La final se da painea.

Drob de miel

Etapa 4 de 6

Se amesteca tot ceea ce s-a tocat cu 4 oua, piper macinat si MAGGI Secretul Gustului Legume.

Drob de miel

Etapa 5 de 6

Se unge tava cu grasime sau ulei, se aseaza compozitia, se niveleaza si se acopera cu un ou batut cu 2 linguri de faina (in cazul in care nu avem prapur).

Drob de miel

Etapa 6 de 6

Se coace la cuptor cca.1 ora.

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